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Being the Church
In this letter, Paul discusses the design and strategy of what it means to "Be the Church". Throughout this sermon series we will look at being a praying church, being a …

Fan the Flame
In this sermon series we will look at 2 Timothy, particularly how Paul encourages Timothy to "fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my …

Abundant Life
If you’re not quite convinced that God loves to party, you don’t have to look much further than the Old Testament festivals and feasts that God set up for the Israeli…

Hope you've got your floaties on, because in this sermon series we will be diving into the deep end of the pool, as we unpack what it means to be sanctified. Sanctifi . …

This is the Way
In my opinion, there is no worse feeling than that sinking feeling of, "I'm lost." Thankfully, with GPS, this rarely happens, but being lost can put us in a helpless, may…

Jesus Messiah
I have been a minister and a follower of Jesus for a long time. However, I have often wished I could step into the shoes of a Jewish person to fully understand the implic…

Put Jesus First
We all have priorities in our lives and the most important priority we can have is Jesus. Through this series we will look at how we can put Jesus first in our lives.

Living Free
This Sunday, we are launching a brand new sermon series called Freedom! Over the next four weeks, we will dissect Romans 12:1-2. We will focus on the fact that we are to …

The Messiah to Come
All throughout the Old Testament, we see prophecies, foreshadowings, hints of the Messiah to come. From passages as early as Genesis 3:15 and Genesis 12:3 God had been ti…

Although we may not see evidence of this in the suburbs, it is the time of the harvest. Crops that were planted many weeks ago are being harvested by hard working farmers…

Have you ever been driving and in the distance seen vultures circling? It's a safe bet that when this happens, there is a dead animal in the area. In Matthew 24, the disc…

Forgiven and Forgiving
We all are in need of forgiveness. Our Savior asked his heavenly father to forgive us. In this series we will look at the gift of forgiveness as well as our need for forg…

We begin a sermon series in the Book of Jonah. Jonah is considered a minor prophet, but he finds himself in a major spiritual dilemma. We will watch as Jonah runs from Go…

Proverbs: Wise Words for Daily Living
This week, we will begin our new sermon series in Proverbs. If you’ve never read Proverbs , it is an incredible book of wisdom, chocked full of tips that we can apply t…

I Doubt It
As I think about doubt and faith, I find myself drawn to Mark 9, where a father whose son has an evil spirit says to Jesus, "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!" …

Along the Way
Over the course of the next few weeks, we will unpack how we can Stop, Engage, Help and Walk alongside those who might find themselves in a hopeless situation. What we wi…

The Good Soil
All of us love a good story, stories make us a part of something bigger than ourselves. In Matthew 13 Jesus begins to use parables as a means to teach and entice His audi…

The Wind & Waves
The one interesting thing about Georgia weather is that it can change quickly. One moment the sun is shining and the birds are singing, and the next thing you know, there…

The Way of Mercy

The ____ that stole Christmas
There are lots of things that can try to steal the wonder and amazement of celebrating our savior's birth. In this series we will look at just a few of the things that ca…

The Urgency of the Great Commission
Find out why now more than ever we need to pay attention to The Great Commission

Our desire is to bring eternity into the foreground of our focus, not the background where it tends to reside in our minds. Our hope in this sermon series is that we will…

The Good Life
Everyone wants to live the good life. But what does that mean? What does it look like to live the good life as a follower of Jesus?

Five Books One Chapter at a Time
This week we will launch into a new series focusing on the 5 books of the Bible with only 1 chapter. We have 2 goals in this series: #1 to fill your heart to the overflow…

We will begin a new sermon series entitled "Sabbath," where we will look at the ways that we can rest and catch our breath from all our busyness, simply by spending time …

You Have Heard It Said
Jesus used a repeated phrase in the Sermon on the Mount, "You've heard it was said." In Jesus' day, there were a lot of teachings, myths, theories, assumptions and tradit…

Rhythm is a Pattern, a Flow, a Tempo, a Cycle. And whether we know it or not, there are hundreds of rhythms in life. But did you know that there is a rhythm to having a r…

Take Heart
In this study, we will unpack how we can "Take Heart" in this troublesome world and overcome it through God's incredible and unstoppable love. Join us as we discover that…

Build to Last
In "Rich Dad, Poor Dad," the author says most people don't build a strong financial foundation, and references building a skyscraper on a six-inch slab. The same principl…

A Fresh New Christmas
This new sermon series will focus on preparing MC3 for a new future!