This is a brand new sermon series looking at the first three chapters in the book of Revelation. The entire book is a letter to seven specific churches but has a message that is relevant for us today. Join us Sunday as we zero in on what Jesus has to say to the church in Ephesus and how we need to focus on the love that we are to have for the Lord and for those around us.
This Sunday, we will focus on the church at Pergamum, a church that found itself in the thick of spiritual battle. Jesus acknowledges they were ministering in a place "where Satan has his throne." It was a church that largely remained faithful, but some were beginning to compromise and give in to the sin surrounding them. Join us Sunday as we strive to emulate the good things this church was doing while avoiding the mistakes being made.
This week, we will focus on the church in Thyatira. While Jesus highlighted the love, faith, service and perseverance of the church, they were tolerating some sinful teaching in their midst and people were being led astray. We will discuss the importance of holding onto the Truth of God's Word amid a world filled with lies.
No doubt, each of us have asked the age-old question, "Why does God allow bad things to happen?" We can extend that out even further by asking, "Why does God allow His Church to suffer?" This Sunday, we will look at the church in Smyrna, where Jesus says, "These are the words of him who is the First and the Last, who died and came to life again. I know your afflictions and your poverty." Join us as we highlight the persecuted church and wrestle with this tough question.
Today we are going to be asking the question . . . Would You Rather be the Church in Sardis or the Church in Philadelphia? A few weeks ago, we talked about the church in Sardis as being a "Zombie Church.” Jesus had some tough things to say to this church. Come find out how to be a Living Church!
This week, we will close out our sermon series on the letters to the seven churches. Jesus must have been saving the worst for last because the one word that would describe this church is "useless." Jesus says in Revelation 3:16, " . . . because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth." Translation . . . "You make me want to throw up." We will unpack how not to be a useless church, but a church that is useful in the Kingdom of God. Join us Sunday and invite a friend.