Hope you've got your floaties on, because in this sermon series we will be diving into the deep end of the pool, as we unpack what it means to be sanctified. Sanctifi . . . what? Sanctification, it means to be set apart, to be separated from sin, to make holy.
This Sunday is Mother's Day, and we will unpack what a wife of noble character looks like. In the end, we will discover that a wife who pursues godly character is a woman who pursues the very heart of God. Join us Sunday as we review Proverbs 31 and discover how we can strive to please God.
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What Sanctification Looks Like
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What Sanctification Looks Like
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Sanctification is the process of becoming a Saint; think of it as “Saint-ification.” It's an old-school word that desperately needs to be revived in us, so that we might run away from sin and be more like Christ. So grab your pocket-protector and your flotation device and join us this Sunday as we take a deep dive into God's Word!
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