Resurrection Sunday is all about the Victory of Jesus! We have hope for tomorrow and every day because of what Jesus did on the cross, and that he didn't stay in the tomb, he rose 3 days later. He invites us to follow him so we can enjoy victory as well. This week we will look at following Jesus when times are good, when times and tough, and even when it doesn't make sense. Join us this week as we take a close look at exactly what it means to follow Jesus to enjoy Victory!
When we think about proof of the Messiahship of Jesus, we really don't have to look much further than the miracles He performed. In fact on the day of Pentecost, the Apostle Peter reminded the people of Israel this: "Jesus of Nazareth was a man accredited by God to you by miracles, wonders and signs, which God did among you through him, as you yourselves know." This Sunday, we will highlight miracles and wonders that clearly point out to us that Jesus really is the Messiah
This Sunday, we will look at how the Baptism of Jesus is proof that Jesus really is the Messiah. I know, it sounds odd, right? But when we consider the presence of four significant eyewitnesses who were present during Jesus' baptism, the evidence is overwhelming.
These four individuals were expert witnesses to the exact identity of the Messiah. Do you know who they are? Please read Matthew 3 in advance and see if you can spot them. Join us Sunday as we reveal the identities of these four distinguished eyewitnesses.
Luke is the only Gospel writer who tells the story of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus. They have an encounter with Jesus after His resurrection, but they don't recognize Jesus. These disciples talked about their shock and surprise that Jesus was crucified. And Jesus responds:
“How foolish you are, and how slow to believe all that the prophets have spoken! Did not the Messiah have to suffer these things and then enter his glory?” They had missed the prophecies spoken about Jesus. This Sunday, we will prove that Jesus is the Messiah by the prophecies that He fulfilled while on earth.
In this new sermon series, we hope that each of us will better understand the significance that Jesus really is the Messiah. We will begin our journey by focusing on how Jesus not only kept the law, but fulfilled it. Join us this Sunday as we focus our attention on Jesus, our Messiah.