As we wrap up the year and the Christmas season, we are going to take a look at Jesus in the Temple as a boy. What did it mean that he was doing his father's business? How did Mary and Joseph react to him being missing? What can we learn from this glimpse of Jesus' childhood?
What do you do when life throws you a curveball--when things don't pan out the way you had them slated in your mind? I can guarantee you Joseph never thought that Mary would become mysteriously pregnant before they were officially married; that he would be the earthly father-figure to the Messiah; or that he would have to live part of his life on the run. Talk about an unexpected situation! Joseph found himself in uncharted territory. This Sunday, we will try our best to better understand the Christmas story through the eyes of Joseph and learn from him how to best navigate unexpected situations.
One of the most pivotal characters in the Christmas story is Mary. The question that comes to mind when I think about the angel Gabriel standing before this young lady is, "Why Mary?" Of all the young women in all of Israel at the time, or throughout the course of history, Why Mary? What about Mary caused the God of the universe to choose her to deliver to the world a Savior who is Christ the Lord? Join us Sunday as we dive into Mary's life and learn what it takes to be chosen by God.
Of all the people God could have told about the Christ child, why did He choose to tell the Shepherds? There is a reason; God never does anything randomly. Was it because they were lowly, humble shepherds? Or was there another important message God conveyed to the world about His Son? Join us Sunday as we answer this question and look at that first Christmas through the eyes of the Shepherds who were "keeping watch over their flocks at night."
Our Christmas series will begin with Wise Men and their journey to find the Messiah. Join us Sunday as we venture together to relive the Christmas Experience.