Jan. 16, 2025 – Keith Taflinger begins serving today as MC3 Church’s new children’s and student minister. Keith, 28, comes to MC3 from a similar position at First Christian Church in Water Valley, Mississippi, where he has served since December 2021. In addition to mentoring and pastoring chi…

Jan. 25, 2024 – We have updated the church’s giving options to create a centralized giving platform for all online giving and ultimately save money on fees. The new primary online giving option for the website and church app is https://www.aplos.com/aws/give/MC3Church/Give. You can access thi…

Nov. 5, 2023 – Sunday was a special and blessed day in the life of MC3 as we dedicated our newly renovated building and grounds to the Lord. What a blessing it was to have so many members and others on hand who have contributed to the success of this piece of God’s Kingdom. Our prayer is to u…

WATCH THE VIDEO June 27, 2023 – Joshua 3:17 tells us, “The priests who carried the ark of the covenant of the Lord stopped in the middle of the Jordan and stood on dry ground, while all Israel passed by until the whole nation had completed the crossing on dry ground.” They did so in fa…

Editor’s Note: MC3’s new Fundamentals Sunday-morning C-Group kicks off this Sunday at 9:30 a.m. in the upstairs meeting room. Titus Pemberton, who will facilitate the class, wrote this brief overview for participants. By Titus Pemberton May 1, 2023 – Learning the Fundamentals of the Christian…

April 17, 2023 – The MC3 family begins an incredible Bible-reading plan today that will allow us to read through the New Testament in chronological order—the way events actually transpired. You can sign up for the plan at https://bit.ly/MC3-ReadYourBible-BibleRecap. Important Informati…

April 12, 2023 – Hello, parents! If you’re looking for a couple of hours to yourself on a Friday night, then we’ve got the answer. On Friday, April 21, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., MC3 Church will host a Parents Night Out/Kids Takeover event. MC3 will provide a FREE, FUN, SAFE and ACTIVE chi…

Clockwise from left: New temporary entrance to the side of the building; Matt Spera is the construction superintendent for the MC3 remodeling project; stage demolition took place today. April 12, 2023 – Monday marked the kickoff of MC3’s remodeling program for our church home. You ca…

April 11, 2023 – On the heels of last week’s successful mission trip to India, SOAR Ministries has scheduled new opportunities for this summer in Brazil and New York. Help teach English in Sao Paulo, Brazil – June 23-July 3. You do not have to be a teacher by trade; you will receive training….

Oct. 5, 2022 “Forget the former things, do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a NEW THING. Now it springs up, do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” – Isaiah 43:19 Dear MC3 Family, This evening’s Vision Night experience gave the…