This Sunday we will close out our sermon series by focusing on how Jesus is the way to truth.
Ever since the Garden of Eden where Satan deceived Eve into doubting the Truth, Satan has been trying to either eliminate the truth or confuse our situation so that we can’t see the truth. Satan has made finding the truth as clear as mud. But Jesus is the Living Water, He is the way, and He is the Truth. So join us this Sunday as we discover that if we want to know the truth, we need to know Jesus, because He is the way to truth.
Last week, we mentioned that the way to live as a Christian is to love God and love others. This Sunday, we will unpack what this kind of love looks like and (spoiler alert) it has little to do with us but everything to do with the mission to which God has called us. The way to love God and love others is to help people walk one step closer to Jesus. Join us Sunday as we explore the way to love.
The late theologian Francis Schafer once asked, "How shall we now live?" Meaning, as followers of Jesus, how should we conduct ourselves in this world? What should we cut out of our lives and what should we focus on? Join us this Sunday as we take a deep dive into the way we should live for the Lord.
Could you imagine being lost spiritually? Never having a certainty of where to turn or whom to turn to for answers? Praise the Lord we have Jesus!
This week, we begin a new sermon series reminding us that Jesus really is the way: the way to the Father, the way to Heaven, and the way to peace even in the midst of the storm. Join us Sunday and invite someone to tag along with you as we discover that Jesus is the way.