Truth has been under attack over the last few years. We have been introduced to phrases such as "your truth" and "my truth," and have been told there is no "absolute truth." A we read the scriptures, however, we see that the enemy has always tried to distract us from God's truth ever since the events of Genesis 3.
This Sunday, we will discover how one man was used by God to course-correct a nation that had drifted away from God's Truth simply by listening to God's Word. Join us as we unpack the importance of remembering the truth that is found only in listening to the Lord.
It can be easy to keep people at arm's length. It can be easy to avoid certain people.
In Matthew 9, Jesus is eating with tax collectors and sinners. When the religious elite see this, they inquire why Jesus does it. Jesus responds to them by saying:
"It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners."
It got me thinking: If the religious leaders were told to go and learn what this meant, perhaps we should do the same. This Sunday, we will unpack what Jesus meant by this phrase so that we, too, might desire mercy.
Have you been waiting on God to fulfill a promise, answer your prayer, or dislodge you from your current situation Has your faith ever faltered? Have you found yourself tempted to give up? Have the vultures been circling overhead? Has the enemy whispered in your ear, “Where is God . . . why hasn’t He . . . did God really say?”
This Sunday, we will discuss what to do when it seems God hasn't held up His side of the bargain. Ultimately, we will discover that when we feel the fire, when we feel the pressure, when we feel that our faith has been stretched to its limits, we need to remember God's faithfulness in our lives. It is His faithfulness that emboldens us to remain faithful to Him.
Have you ever been driving and in the distance seen vultures circling? It's a safe bet that when this happens, there is a dead animal in the area. In Matthew 24, the disciples ask Jesus about the end and where it will happen, and Jesus tells them to look for the vultures. Vultures are an ominous sign that something bad has happened. So what do we do, as followers of Christ, when the vultures begin to circle? Over the next few weeks, we will strive to answer this question by remembering the faith, mercy, truth, victory and promises of God.