Giving our money to the Lord is an important part of our faith but giving our time is equally important. Service is a cornerstone of truly Committing to walk one step closer to Jesus. We want every member of the church to engage in the work of Christ, according to the gifts and passions given them by the Holy Spirit. Join us Sunday as we look closely at the example Jesus shared for us when it comes to service.
In encouraging the Corinthian Church in the area of giving, Paul wrote, "Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."
The real question is what should we decide in our hearts to give and sow into the kingdom? For each of us, the answer to that question is different. Join us Sunday as we explore ways to determine what we should give to the Lord.
Although we may not see evidence of this in the suburbs, it is the time of the harvest. Crops that were planted many weeks ago are being harvested by hard working farmers. But there is a lot hard work that happens before the harvest. The fields need preparing, the crops need to be sown, and the fields need to be tended, and typically they are tended by farmhands. This Sunday we will talk about the importance of tending to the fields that the Lord has left to our stewardship, and how we need to use the talents the Lord has given to us for His glory!