Walking One Step Closer to Jesus
The mission of MC3 Church is to help people walk on step closer to Jesus. To help our members, we have created this model, intended to serve as a dashboard or checklist to see “where I stand and what I need to do” to walk one step closer to Christ.

Walking One Step Closer Begins with Accepting Christ as our Lord and Savior
Accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior requires us to Believe (John 3:16), Confess (Romans 10:9-13), Repent (Acts 2:38), and be Baptized (Acts 2:38 and Acts 2:26-38).
Leading people into a relationship with Jesus is the ultimate goal of MC3’s vision to focus on the ONE who needs Christ in our community and world. Accepting Jesus is essential to our salvation and eternal life spent in God’s presence. It is all important but also just the very beginning in walking one step closer to Jesus.
The 3 Cs – Celebrate, Connect, Commit
Our model to walk one step closer to Jesus is built around three big Cs.
The first C is to CELEBRATE by attending church weekly.
We’re not talking about coming to church for the sake of coming to church. We can take anything that is beneficial to our spiritual growth and turn it into something religious and mundane, which is exactly what Christ does NOT want us to do.
However, Hebrews 10:19-25 instructs us about the importance of believers meeting together on a regular basis. We Celebrate through worship weekly because it helps us draw near to God … hold on to hope … and receive encouragement.
The second C is to CONNECT – connect to the Lord by praying and reading scripture daily and connect to fellow believers by joining an MC3 C-Group.
Reading your Bible and praying every day are fundamental to walking one step closer to Jesus. And yet, these two basic elements are among the most neglected by Christians. We offer a daily Bible reading plan and a journaling process known as SOAP.
Learn more about the SOAP here:
Click here for a printable copy | Click here for sample journal copy
Sign up for our current reading plan.
In addition to praying and reading your Bible daily, plan to join one of our C-Groups. C-Groups allow you to find a smaller community within the larger church community. As outlined in Acts 2:42-47, C-Group help believers to teach, edify, grow and fellowship together.
The Third C is to COMMIT – commit to giving your time, talent and money, and serving each week.
Service is a cornerstone of truly Committing to walk one step closer to Jesus. MC3 is driven by a vision and deep desire to take Christ to our community. We want every member of the church to engage in the work of Christ, according to the gifts and passions given them by the Holy Spirit.
There are numerous opportunities to serve in the church and the community. It takes dozens of volunteers to make church happen each week. All of us have a role to play to make that happen—we are called to do more than just sit in a pew week after week. Beyond that, we live in a community where need knows no limit. We need to be rubbing elbows and serving alongside our neighbors to ensure those needs are met.
We want you to Commit to Jesus because we believe that each person is designed with a purpose—a purpose to live our lives for Christ, and through this, we use our time, talent and money to serve Him and grow His Kingdom.