Sept. 15, 2019 –  Exciting things continue to happen in the life of MC3 Church, and we want to give you an update on recent developments.


First, as you probably know, we have a new children’s minister, Rae Tyler Caggiula. We are excited to have Rae’s experience and passion to guide our efforts in this vital area. It’s never too early to start leading children to a relationship with Christ, and Rae will make that a priority as she works with our many servants in the children’s area. If you are interested in helping with our children, please touch base with Rae.


Second, this week we honored the Lord with a $275,000 contribution to the missions supported by MC3 . This donation is above and beyond the 10 percent of our weekly offerings that we allocate to missions. When we announced plans to create MC3 Church and sell our Old Stone Mountain Road property, one of our goals was to honor the Lord with the fruits of the sale, and this $275,000 donation is one way we can do that. Our contribution was allocated to each mission according to the formula designed by our Missions Committee, with a few minor adjustments. For example, we made contributions to some missions that are no longer regularly supported by the church. Please be in prayer that the Lord will use these funds to build His Kingdom in ways we cannot imagine.


Finally, we want to give you a brief update on our efforts to find a new permanent location. As you know, we want to stay in the Parkview school district, and facilities and space in this area are tight to say the least. We have looked at numerous properties, and none have fit the criteria we need for a facility. We also have ruled out the possibility of acquiring land and building a new facility. It’s simply too expensive and the elders believe building from the ground up would be poor use of the Lord’s resources. In addition, we were approached earlier this year by a congregation about the possibility of a merger or some kind of consolidation. However, the proximity of our two congregations made the idea impractical.


All that said, opportunities continue to arise, and we are looking at each of them with a careful eye and, most importantly, with prayerful consideration. We see reason for optimism, but we will not get ahead of the Lord’s leading. We want a home for our church, but, first and foremost, we want God’s blessing. We must trust Him to show us where we belong in His time.


Of course, we recognize the uncertainty and discomfort caused by our “wandering in the desert.” We hope the Lord will lead us to our new home soon, and we ask for your continued prayers, patience and support, especially in the setup and teardown for our Sunday services.


In the meantime, we encourage you to remember that churches are much more than buildings. Our congregation is a member of the family of God, and we are all brothers and sisters in Christ. Please engage with your family regularly, not just on Sunday mornings. Join a C-Group for weekly fellowship and Bible study. Organize a Fellowship Freestyle event to spend time with your church family and engage your neighbors. Reach for the ONE who needs Christ in our community and world.


God has blessed us immeasurably and let’s be thankful for all that we have.


Yours in Christ,

Art and the MC3 Church Elders (Thom Arrendale, Jim Barber, Jerry Dover, Terence Johnson, Jay Wright)